Ideally, there should never be any surprises when you arrive to a job site. This is because you have prepared well as part of your on-site estimate. You also paid close attention to the property on the initial walk through. On rare occasions before you begin the work, you may need to adjust your price. This will accommodate for an oversight that will increase the amount of time the job will take. You can patiently explain this to the customer and give them the option of accepting your revised estimate. Or they may choose to take nire time to retrieve and evaluate other bids. Always be courteous and professional, and consider it simply a part of business to walk away from a job. Walk away before you begin if you cannot agree to a fair cost estimate. But this will hopefully occur very rarely.
Job Set Up
Setting up on the job site determines how efficient you will be, which in turn, determines how profitable you will be. Politely request the removal of cars from the driveway quickly. Suggest parking in front of a neighbors’ yard so that cleaning will not be obstructed by automobiles. Photos are provided on our online video school of a typical $1500 project that included roof wash, gutter brightening, driveway and pool deck cleaning. A detailed set up explanation is thoroughly discussed utilizing these photos, along with a strategy for working on these projects start to finish.
Always keep in mind that knowing the job scope determines the method of application. Is this project roof cleaning only? Is it roof cleaning and house washing? Are driveways and sidewalks included? Is there a pool deck? Utilizing a drawing tool and actual job photos of homes, we explain the best way to set up to reduce time spent moving equipment around on the job site, which can quickly become very time consuming if you do not set up strategically. Like most, you will learn from your mistakes and quickly become more efficient and more productive with time, which will result in increased profitability.
For more information about our online school or visiting our Houston Texas Pressure Washing and Roof Cleaning School, call or text us at 2818833630. Also we highly recommend the UAMCC forum for more training.
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