This video post contains instructions for INSTALLING FLOW PRO REMOTE bypass system for pressure washing pros.  It saves alot of steps, time, and energy on every job and brings downstreaming into the 21st century!  It’s part of a series helping those who are wanting to save a little money by doing installations yourself.  We want to help simplify and clarify the process for installing flow pro remote bypass system.


There are two wires that comes out of the box containing the computer board.  Connect one wire to the battery and the other wire to the actuator.  It also includes mounting brackets so you can decide the best location to secure the computer board.  The Flow Pro Bypass Kit is also an item sold separately you will need to allow rinsing the injector.  I have another video on this.  A whip hose comes from the outlet of the pressure washer to the inlet side of the Flow Pro.  Then you will notice the bypass loop, as well as the whip hose going to the hose reel.  Make sure you have all the right size quick connect fittings when installing flow pro remote.  Your particular truck, trailer, or van set up will determine whether to you use a 90 degree.  Before ordering, think carefully about your set up to determine the amount of whip line hose you will need for both the pressure washer and the hose reel.


At the 6:40 time stamp, we show how to set up the three way poly valve which is inside a mounting box.  This plumbing option for soap or water allows you to rinse the injector after every job.  You can still use the rinse button on the remote while cleaning which will deliver water only.  The three way poly valve is only for rinsing the injector after the job by hitting the mix button.  You’ll see the soap empty out quickly.  Be sure and catch the 9:30 time stamp for installing flow pro remote plumbing instructions for the water tank.  There are also instructions for using uniseals on top of the tanks.  Don’t forget to take a look at our upcoming training events, including the one in Atlanta, Ga in June.