One of our loyal YouTube Channel viewers requested we provide insight into WINTERIZING PRESSURE WASHING EQUIPMENT.  This particular trailer rig has a 9 GPM cold water pressure washer along with our KINGSLINGER soft wash system.  It is not often that we need to winterize equipment here in the Houston, Texas region.  RV antifreeze is what we use here because it’s not as strong as regular antifreeze and it’s more affordable.  But in more northern extreme climates were certainly recommend using regular antifreeze.


There is a water inlet that comes off of your water tank into your machine.  While we use cam lock fittings, some might have a hose barb on the water inlet.  Inserting antifreeze into the system helps prevent water from freezing inside the machine.  This could cause damage to the machine, which is what we are preventing.  Another option is using an air hose to blow all of the water out of the system.  That’s certainly worth considering as well.  But we prefer anitfreeze because we find it to be an easier process and requires less time and effort.  It also gives me a little more confidence knowing the anitfreeze inserted throughout the system, including the hoses.


First it is important to let all the water drain out from the tank.  Then we will install another hose to the cam lock fitting.   That hose is then run to a 5 gallon bucket with the antifreeze solution.  You are then ready to fire up the machine and run the antifreeze up into the system.  Your ball valve should be open when you start the machine.  You will eventually notice a difference color once the antifreeze has penetrated the entire system.  Once you see this, you’ll want to turn your ball valve to the closed or off position.  This way the antifreeze gets into the bypass hose as well as the tank.  Here is another great post for those interested in choosing the right pressure washing equipment for your business.

Winterizing Equipment