The SLUDGE SUCKER FITTINGS video is my reply to one of our loyal YouTube channel viewers.  The comment section of each YouTube video is a great place to ask questions.  And this always provides great insight for creating new content that will be helpful and insightful to pressure washing business owners.  This particular SLUDGE SUCKER FITTINGS video features a few suggestions to make the unit work more efficiently and effectively.


The sludge sucker arrives with a 3/8 male pipe thread plug.  I explain that there are many different types of adaptations people will put on the unit.  Ideally, you want to be able to use a gun and a wand with the sludge sucker.  This prevents one from having to bend over in the water puddle that you are trying to relocate in the first place.  Essentially, you will be using a pressure washer with the sludge sucker fittings to basically vacuum the water, puddle or sludge and move it elsewhere.  I also demonstrate set ups with different reducing bushings.  Sometimes, the goal is simply working around the parts that you already have on hand.  The main goal is getting from 3/8 inch to 1/4 inch because this will allow greater flexibility using it with your pressure washer fittings.

Here is another great video post featuring a great power washing van set up.