This is another “TWO TIP TUESDAY” style of helpful videos for power wash contractors.  PRESSURE WASHING AROUD DOORS is an important whether cleaning residential or commercial properties.  This particular video post features service we provide on a commercial property.  First and foremost, make sure you are protecting the door and the doorway areas.  There is a special blue duct tape that we use to seal doors so that water cannot seep in.  We tape the bottom threshold area as well as up the middle of the door as high 2 or 3 feet.  These doors usually have weather striping but water can still get in so don’t rely on that.  You could also use paint shields and tape them to the door.  But we found the blue tape works best but it must be applied before the surface gets wet.  In addition, use this blue tape to protect electronic keypads, light switches ring doorbells, and things of that nature.


Another important factor when PRESSURE WASHING AROUND DOORS is what direction are you moving the water to take?  Using the adjustable dual lance wand, I show this method at 3:45.  You’ll want to push the water away from the door and toward the drain.  After moving from the edge of the doors to the corners, now it’s time to clean the most sensitive area.  I’ll do an extremely quick stripe or two, being careful that water is forced away from the door.  This is right in front of the doors.  After that, I come back through keeping the wand angled out and clean with a perpendicular pattern.  Again, this moves the water away from the door at all times. The LAST THING YOU WANT TO DO is clean while moving water into or toward the direction of the doors.  While the tape may not eliminate the water completely, it will greatly reduce water intrusion to the max.  On the inside of those doors is carpet, tile, rugs or things like that which you do not want to get wet.  It will stain, and the customer will certainly see it.  After allowing time for adequate drying, it’s time to remove the tape and head on out!


The second tip when PRESSURE WASHING AROUND DOORS is to add window cleaning service.  In this particular case, window cleaning was not part of our estimate for the work.  But we did it anyway for our own practice of cleaning windows.  We talk about this at the 6:00 time stamp.  And if you get serious, take a look at some of the window cleaning options we provide.  If you are looking for professional training, take a look at the unique events we have planned in February 2025.  With our annual Difference Makers Conference plus hands on training on Saturday, it’s a fantastic opportunity to take advantage of both events in Houston.