This PRESSURE WASHER FITTINGS post with video will help anyone just getting started in the pressure washing industry. A popular first unit to purchase is the 4 GPM portable pressure washer at 3500 PSI. I do not recommend any machine under 4 GPM for any new pressure washing business. It has a Honda GX 390 and I provide step by step instructions for getting set up.
The PRESSURE WASHER FITTINGS for this machine begins with what is coming off of the unloader. Most manufacturers ship with the coupler in place there. This is what I call the “LEAD FITTING.” I provide specific details for hooking up the garden hose and the pressure hose. The entire process can be inverted depending on your personal preference.
Another important element of PRESSURE WASHER FITTINGS to understand is the unloader. The unloader is what regulates the water pressure that will arrive from the machine. For the most part, the unloader is factory set and you never need to adjust it or even touch it. Unless you have need to replace it. You can lower the water pressure through the various nozzles that you will use.
It is important to “STAY ON THE GUN” to continually release pressure build up inside the pressure washer machine. Otherwise, the machine heats up the water. This can result in damage to the pump. There is a way to bypass this risk which I cover in detail in the video.
The thermal relief valve is another critical component when learning about PRESSURE WASHER FITTINGS. This piece can sometimes fail and need replacement without any warning. This is why I recommend always have replacements with you so you’re work flow will not be hindered. There are many, many more details I cover in this 45 minute video so be sure and take time to watch it in its entirety. Also, if you’re looking for help with your website as you start your pressure washing business, click here.
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