This FLOAT VALVE VIDEO features me sharing from years of experience testing various water tank float valve devices.  As I am building another custom truck order, this is a great time to address concerns that arise with float valves.   Thanks so much for watching and be sure to leave a comment with any questions you might have. about this FLOAT VALVE VIDEO.


The most common one that I have used for the last twenty plus years is the Hudson Float Valve.  But this particular model can be very temperamental and would sometimes fail to be effective.  When this happens, you see water shooting out from the breather tube on the tank.  So over a year ago, I did some research to find a better alternative because of the frustration I experience using the Hudson model.  This is when I began using and testing JOBE brand float valves.


There are a couple of different models by Jobe and one of them has a string.  But my preference is the one without the string which utilizes an arm rather than string.  This particular model allows more water flow into your tank which results in filling the tank much faster.  It is the Topaz Model and it is much easier to install and more hassle free to use.  The General Pump Float valve is another popular brand and model that a viewer recently brought to my attention.


At the 5:00 mark of this FLOAT VALVE VIDEO, I provide extensive installation instructions.  In addition to the tools you will need, there are also other parts that you need.  Installation instructions are given for the Hudson, then the Jobe, then the General Pump.  Drilling holes and installing bulkhead fittings are also part of the demonstrations in the FLOAT VALVE VIDEO.  I hope this helps and I’d like to invite you out to Houston for my next monthly school.  This two day event includes classroom instruction and actual hands on training at a job site.