The new ELECTRIC SOFT WASH system is much like the Kingslinger.  It the response to many requests for something like a Kingslinger but with a 12 volt power supply rather than gasoline compressor.  This unit is light weight, portable and easy to move around.  It doesn’t take up much room, and allows them to clean a roof or house as needed.  So we are glad to introduce what we are calling THE SOFT E.  This stands for The Soft Electric.  This electric soft wash system comes with a Remco 7 GPM 100 PSI 12 volt pump.  With the Kingslinger and the Soft E, you have two system for two rigs.  But you can easily take both systems to one job as necessary.


This ELECTRIC SOFT WASH system is easy to hook up to tanks.  I discuss this in detail with pictures at the 3:30 time stamp in this video.  You can batch mix, or you can plumb it to tanks with uniseals.  It is an extremely flexible system which can be portable or mounted permanently, depending on your needs and desires.  Just make sure you make provision to vent any bleach fumes in hoses.  Another great feature is that it can easily be stored when not in use such as during winter time.  It’s also great for spraying our proprietary cleaning solutions such as RAP, Dougie Fresh, or Kings Kling.  You can even use it to transfer bleach from one tank to another.  You will find a separate follow up video for installing and plumbing instructions.


I just want to remind everyone of all the training opportunities available through my online education portal at my PRESSURE WASHING SCHOOL website.  You will find my online video school, as well as various training events.  In fact, I hold a monthly school in Kingwood, Texas with hands on training and classroom instruction.