Doug Rucker Store features the BEST POWER WASH TRAILER for your business in this video. While we are in the Houston, Texas area, we work with customers throughout the country on custom rig builds. This particular build is for a local customer from Katy, Texas. With the exception of the two tanks, all equipment on this build is from the Doug Rucker Store. We provide a step by step walk through in this BEST POWER WASH TRAILER video.
First, this trailer has an 8 GPM cold water pressure washer. Next, you will see three Kings Hose Reels with a Kings Stack Kit. For soft washing, he went with the extremely light weight and portable SOFT E electric soft wash system. The Soft E is a 12 volt five gallon per minute machine. He did a great job painting the floor of this trailer and securing all of the equipment himself. He then brought it back to us to finish the trailer by plumbing the entire system. There is something very important I explain at 3:00 into the BEST POWER WASH TRAILER video. It is great advice for those who are just starting out in the pressure washing business. This trailer also includes the fierce jet pressure hose as well as the flexilla garden hose.
Last but not least, he went with the 24 inch Steel Eagle surface cleaner. This is especially great unit for doing to commercial work. Right at 6:00 into the video, Chris actually arrives to pick up his trailer. For additional training for your pressure washing business, check out our events page and take advantage of monthly hands on training. My passion is helping pressure washing business owners develop their skills and grow their business. With over thirty years of experience in this industry, I look forward to helping you any way that I can. Be sure and leave a comment if you have any questions about this BEST POWER WASH TRAILER video post.
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