This SOFT WASH SETUP video post features what we call “The Big Slinger.”  While it’s very similar to the Kingslinger Soft Wash System, a customer requested this version.  His desire was to have a little more flow and distance than the Kingslinger.  So the Big Slinger has 3/4 valves and 5/8 hose.  While we provide custom builds around customer needs, this particular SOFT WASH SETP has two valves.  One valve connects to the water tank, while the other connects to the bleach tank.


At approximately 1:50 into this video, I provide details for mixing cleaning solutions with bleach.  This eliminates any need for a third valve and separate tank.  Be sure and following the instructions on the lable of the cleaner you are using for proper mixing ratios.  As an example, if you are using our Dougie Fresh, you would add one to two ounces per five gallons of bleach.  Recently, we have been elevating the valves up higher for easier and more convenient reach and access.  The Big Slinger Soft Wash Setup comes with the Tsunami air water separator.



In this video, I walk you through the details of the hoses, reels, and tanks.  All of the Big Slinger SOFT WASH SETUP is firmly secured on an aluminum skid.  The water tank has a float valve which shuts the water off automatically once the tank is full.  And the bleach tank has a vent hose.  You will also notice the bleach fill kit so that you don’t ever have to open the lid.  This will help protect your equipment from deterioration resulting from bleach fumes settling on it.  At 6:20, you can see in the video how we handle shipping these large skids anywhere across the country.  If you have any questions about this Big Slinger Soft Wash Setup, ask in the comments section.  Or you can shoot me an email to  Be sure and stay up to date with all the training opportunities coming up for the remainder of this year.