Thank you for checking out this PRESSURE CLEANING QnA video post.  We receive many questions from various platforms and know that providing answers to these questions can be helpful to many others.  So the first question comes to us through our YouTube channel in the comments section.  Ron asks about a particular SH mix ratio for house washing while down streaming using a modified x jet.  He is using a 5 gallon per minute pressure washer.


While there are ways to calculate exact mix ratios and percentages, this is something that I have never done.  There really isn’t any reason for me to know the exact percentage.  Thus my main concern is this.  Is the mix I’m using strong enough to change the color of the organic stains on the surface that I am cleaning?  I cover various surfaces, various stains and the degree of staining and what color those stains are.  These are determining factors in determining whether the bleach mix ratio is strong enough.  In this Pressure Cleaning QnA, I also provide pictures that demonstrate what I’m speaking about. Experience does play a key role in helping to determine a general mix ratio of 30%, or 40% or 50% or stronger.  This is what we might call “the eye test.”  Here is the X Jet product I mention in the video on the Doug Rucker Store website.


The second question I address is from Jamie and is specifically about roof cleaning and house washing.  Will my mixture consist of solely bleach or would I be adding surfactant?  This is a great question!  One factor in answering this question relates to the grade and quality of the bleach you are using.  Testing and experience is crucial here as I explain at the 7:30 time stamp.  This Pressure Cleaning QnA video ends with one final question about surface cleaner maintenance.  If this information has been helpful for you in your pressure washing business, check out my online video school.