HOW TO REMOVE COB WEBS This HOW TO REMOVE COB WEBS video post is part of our Tuesday Two Tip series.  If you don’t have one of these COB WEB DUSTERS, you really need to get one!  They are very handy and will save a lot of time on the job.  It will save you from...


PRESSURE WASHING TIPS A few years back, Doug Rucker was providing a weekly “TWO TIP TUESDAY” video.  The focus was on actual cleaning tips from a job site he was on or competed recently.  This video post is a return to that type of content.  This was a...

The Ultimate Guide to Winterizing Your Pressure Washer

The Ultimate Guide to Winterizing Your Pressure Washer The Ultimate Guide to Winterizing Your Pressure Washer is crucial to ensure it remains in good working condition during the winter months and beyond. Proper winterization helps protect the machine from potential...


X-JET M5 This X-JET M5 adjustable twist nozzle post and video is highlights the dual purpose of this unique nozzle.  You can use it when you need a straight stream but then twist to adjust it for a fan shaped spray.  This fan shape option provides the opportunity to...