Our next Difference Makers Conference will be held November 2nd &3rd, right here in Humble, Tx. This conference will focus on the business side of your business. This conference is for those that are new to business and or have been in business for 3 years or less, but anyone can attend.
Price for the conference is $249.00 per person. Wives can attend free but you need to register them as an additional attendee.
Jeffery Blackman of Mr. Shine Power Wash and Striping and Von Cross of Ultimate Choice Pressure Washing and Striping, will be joining me as instructors.
We will also have Nick Terry, a local Commercial Property Manager joining us for his insights on procuring and keeping commercial property clients. Kelsey Elliot a local CPA will be discussing Money Matters and how they affect your small business.
Here are just a few of the other topics we will cover:
Commercial Sales – Working with and gaining commercial clients. What is it that commercial and HOA property managers are looking for when choosing vendors?
High End Residential Sales – Lessons on getting and keeping large residential clients
Money Matters- (with a guest CPA speaker) Taxes, Budgeting, Profit and Loss, Balance Statements, and much more
Pricing- A comprehensive session on how to price your services so you never have to ask “How do I price this?”
Building a Residual Based Income Business – Every business should be built on clients that have a need to continue using your services. We will discuss and show you ways to build a residual based business.
Creating & Building Relationships with Clients – The success of your small business will be based on your ability to build relationships with your clients. Learn from our years of experience in working both residential and commercial clients on how to create and build relationships.
The conference will be held at the Country Inn and Suites located in Humble TX with room rates at $79.00 per night. For reservations call 281-446-4977 and ask for the Doug Rucker School rate. The hotel also offers a shuttle to pick you up at the Bush Intercontinental (IAH) airport and bring you to the hotel, as well as transportation to local, (within a 5 mile radius), places around the hotel. There are plenty of restaurants and even a mall very close to the hotel.
For more information use our CONTACT FORM or email pressurecleaningschool@gmail.com. Be sure to check out YouTube Channel as well.